REWIRING for learning — The FUTURE of Learning

Photo by Matthew Guay on Unsplash One of the old school approaches to learning was to basically ‘train’ your students to learn things in a certain way. This made things easier all round for everyone. The teacher, the student and most importantly the world they were living in. The goal for any teacher and student was to make […]

via REWIRING for learning — The FUTURE of Learning

ABUNDANCE is the core of future learning — The FUTURE of Learning

Photo by Raphael Rychetsky on Unsplash Remember the days when we had a job to do and so would catch the train to work, do the work then come home on the train and sit at home, make dinner and watch tv and go to bed? Well, it all seemed to be normal then, but it’s changing fast. […]

via ABUNDANCE is the core of future learning — The FUTURE of Learning

ESL Screen-face – the new TECH ISSUE — The FUTURE of Learning

Originally posted on The FUTURE of Learning: (Photo credit: I had a laugh when I first heard the term ‘screen face’, but it really can be true, spending too long looking at a computer screen can make you totally expressionless. Something similar can happen too when learning either online or with a teacher who…

via ESL Screen-face – the new TECH ISSUE — The FUTURE of Learning

MINIMALIST APPROACH to learning — The FUTURE of Learning

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash In a lot of ways I love this notion. Minimalism allows so much abundance in your life. Imagine today if you live in a simple, small but pleasant and relaxing place that has very little around you but enough for you to live a simple life. Then from there allow the world […]

via MINIMALIST APPROACH to learning — The FUTURE of Learning

GENEROSITY is a connector – Choose to be GENEROUS with your English — The FUTURE of Learning

(Photo credit: When I was growing up, being generous was considered a ‘family’ word. That meant that when you are around family generosity was to be accepted as the most important personality trait to have. As kids we never wanted to share (of course, we were kids! We wanted everything for ourselves!) but we […]

via GENEROSITY is a connector – Choose to be GENEROUS with your English — The FUTURE of Learning

Zero waste – Be Inspired while improving your English! — Mary’s English Blog

Originally posted on Vocabulary in Chunks: great big story The village of Kamikatsu in Japan has taken their commitment to sustainability to a new level. While the rest of the country has a recycling rate of around 20 percent, Kamikatsu surpasses its neighbors with a staggering 80 percent. After becoming aware of the dangers of…

via Zero waste – Be Inspired while improving your English! — Mary’s English Blog

READINESS vs MATURITY to move to the next level of learning — The FUTURE of Learning

Photo by Javier Reyes on Unsplash I heard a wonderfully timeless story recently about a conversation between a father and son. The son had left high school with his his high school diploma and had got a job locally in a shop and was making some money and saving it. Sounds good right? Well he actually saved $USD10,000 […]

via READINESS vs MATURITY to move to the next level of learning — The FUTURE of Learning

Noun Clauses #1 — Mary’s English Blog

The English language is full of Noun Clauses. A Noun Clause is made up of a group of words with a Noun and a Verb. A Noun is the name of a person, animal, place, thing, (or state; for example: happiness, excitement). In other words, a Noun is the name of someone or something. ‘Noun’ means ‘name’. A Pronoun […]

via Noun Clauses #1 — Mary’s English Blog

If you want to LEARN ANYTHING today, start by ASKING…( that is) — The FUTURE of Learning

(Photo credit: Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash) This should be a no brainer for any learner. The days of taking to time to stroll down to the library to discovery what something is all about died a death 10 years ago. The most probable place to get at least a range of answers to your question is […]

via If you want to LEARN ANYTHING today, start by ASKING…( that is) — The FUTURE of Learning