Easy Listening – Practical and Social English #8 — Mary’s English Blog


If you would like to improve your English speaking and listening, watch this video from New English File Elementary. It features speakers from England and The United States. The conversations are written under the video. Listen carefully and repeat what you hear: Conversation 1: Checking out Receptionist: Good morning, sir. Mark: Good morning. Can I have […]

via Easy Listening – Practical and Social English #8 — Mary’s English Blog

Essay – In a cashless society, people use more credit cards. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon? — pteielts

In today’s generation public is using the plastic money instead of cash. In my opinion the advantages of using credit cards removes the risk of carrying cash, can be used for all types of transactions globally and it is easy to carry. Simultaneously, the disadvantages includes its misuse, can be easily hacked and involves paying […]

via Essay – In a cashless society, people use more credit cards. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon? — pteielts

Let CURIOSITY continue to be the cornerstone of learning — The FUTURE of Learning

I’d like to think that these days, as we all have cameras on our phone, that we are taking more pictures than ever, because we are constantly curious about the world out there and want to capture it to discover more. Perhaps that is so, but as the picture above shows, are we really taking […]

via Let CURIOSITY continue to be the cornerstone of learning — The FUTURE of Learning

Essay-What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an era in which new things are constantly invented? — pteielts

Today’s era is considered to be technological driven. After the industrial era many inventions have taken place which are beneficial to the society. The most significant aspect, in which the people of this generation have been aided, is through the introduction of new technology, which saves time and effort. On the other hand the drawback […]

via Essay-What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an era in which new things are constantly invented? — pteielts